Steam Drum Internal Vane Bank AVB

Principal of Operation
The success of the Anderson Separation Vane is rooted in simple physics principles of centrifugal force, impingement and gravity. The condensate laden steam entering the vane bank separator is a mixture of low-density steam and high-density water. As the mixture passes through the vane bundle, it is forced to change directions several times. The low-density steam can easily negotiate this tortuous path, but because of momentum, the high-density liquid is unable to change direction without impinging upon the vane wall.
At each change in direction, a centrifugal force is imparted on the steam/liquid mixture, which throws the water particles against the wetted vane walls. These water droplets coalesce into larger particles, absorb other droplets striking the vane, convert the sheet flow and travel towards the vane pockets. Once the liquid enters the vane pockets, they are isolated from the steam flow, and drain by gravity back into the boiler drum.
Anderson Vane Bank Separators will remove 100% of all liquid particles 8.0 microns and larger when operating between 0 and 110% design flowrate. When operating at the design flowrate, a separation efficiency of 100% of 5.0 microns and larger is achieved.
Separation efficiency decreases on droplets of decreasing size. In order to separate these smaller droplets, the vane bundle must be preceded by an inlet coalescer. The coalescer will increase the size of incoming liquid droplets so that they can be removed by the separation vanes. The Separation efficiency can be improved to 100% of 3.0 microns by the addition of this inlet mesh pad coalescer secured to modular support brackets mounted on the vane bundle face.